Flirting with Models

Flirting with Models

Corey Hoffstein

Flirting with Models is the show that aims to pull back the curtain and meet the investors who research, design, develop, and manage quantitative investment strategies. Join Corey Hoffstein, Chief Investment Officer of Newfound Research, on a journey to explore systematic investment strategies, ranging from value to momentum and merger arbitrage to managed futures. For more on Newfound Research, visit

Categories: Business

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In this episode I speak with Bill Gebhardt, founder of 10Dynamics.

Bill spent the better part of his career as a discretionary energies trader, with roles at Koch Industries, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, and Trailstone. In May 2020 he struck out on his own to co-found 10Dynamics.

Given Bill’s fundamental and discretionary background, it may come as a surprise that 10Dynamics runs a fully systematic process. This dichotomy serves as the foundation for much of our conversation, where Bill provides insight into where and how his discretionary background informs the systematic process, both from a signal and a risk management perspective.

We discuss the types of signals 10Dynamics incorporates into their process, how their risk management system is designed to reflect Bill’s experience managing discretionary traders, and how they’ve designed their operational risk management to allow them to trade intraday with a small team.

Please enjoy my conversation with Bill Gebhardt.

Previous episodes

  • 101 - Bill Gebhardt - Replicating Discretionary Commodity Trading Systematically (S7E9) 
    Mon, 01 Jul 2024 - 0h
  • 100 - Nicolas Mirjolet - Multivariate Trend Following (S7E8) 
    Mon, 27 May 2024
  • 99 - [PREVIEW] Enter the New World of Return Stacking | Get Stacked Podcast 
    Mon, 06 May 2024
  • 98 - Markku Kurtti – Diversification is a Negatively Priced Lunch (S7E7) 
    Mon, 22 Apr 2024 - 0h
  • 97 - Otto van Hemert - Seasonality Everywhere (S7E6) 
    Mon, 25 Mar 2024 - 0h
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