Spirit Speakers

Spirit Speakers

Patty Davis & Judea Lynch

Psychic Intuitive and Spiritual Teacher Patty Davis explores various metaphysical topics and shares her experiences and viewpoint.

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After a wonderful five years of hosting along side co-host Judea Lynch, Patty Davis will be hosting solo moving forward and will continue to invite interesting guests and explore the metaphysical realms. In this episode, Patty and her guest Janine Davis talk about how spirituality affects the brain and how to balance the logical with the spiritual. Follow and learn more about Janine: IG @janinedavisexecutivecoach . Through her bio at https://evolution.team/janine-davis . https://evolution.team/equuscoaching . https://evolution.team/your-call-to-courage   Here are some of the resources Janine speaks of in the episode: The Awakened Brain by Lisa Miller PhD -https://a.co/d/01t2n8x1 Leading From the Roots by Dr. Kathy Allen -  https://a.co/d/0fjAx8sw Info on Marti Spiegelman - https://www.martispiegelman.org/training.html   Interspecies.io https://www.interspecies.io/ Forest Bathing - https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/can-forest-therapy-enhance-health-and-well-being-2020052919948 Meditation impact on the brain - https://neurosciencenews.com/memory-meditation-23414/#:~:text=Research%20has%20shown%20that%20long,and%20the%20right%20anterior%20insula.

Previous episodes

  • 68 - The Neuroscience of Spirituality 
    Fri, 05 Jul 2024 - 0h
  • 67 - 5th Anniversary Q&A 
    Thu, 06 Jun 2024
  • 66 - Tarot 
    Sun, 07 Apr 2024
  • 65 - Ancestral Healing 
    Fri, 09 Feb 2024 - 0h
  • 64 - Shifting Into 5D 
    Thu, 11 Jan 2024
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